Study Center on image
Patrimoine-Image constantly searches for documents to be acquired for its Study center
such as, photographs, engravings, drawings, paintings, posters, maps and plans, illustrated books of all eras
Patrimoine-Image wishes to acquire of documentary funds, collections, files, archives, artist's studio collection, libraries, if possible, in their entirety in order to conduct studies and synthesis conservatory in partnership with specialists bringing their knowledge.
The images or documents proposed can even be damaged, incomplete, yellowed or faded if the conservation of their subject or technical interest is priority.
The diversity of this research is not limited, because each new discovery of forgotten or concealed element, allows by its study to enrich a subject or the knowledge an author and in the interests of preservation of Heritage image under its various aspects.
If you have such images or documents and wish to cede them to us, exchange them, donate them to us for cultural
uses or lend them to us for studying purposes, please contact us on  +33 1 46 06 83 32  from 10.00 to 19.00 or by
Following topics: acquisition of photographs, images, documents and graphic works
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